Black Doctor: What My Dad Told Me That Made Me Succeed!

premed Jul 30, 2020


Today, I share the powerful message my dad gave me as an 8-year old that gave me the confidence and drives to get into Stanford Medical School and become an Anesthesiologist.


Full Episode Transcript

And if I can get my microphone turned on here, what is up guys? Hello everybody. Dr. Pinesett here, the Study Doc.


And today we're talking about a pivotal moment in my life. When I was eight years old. When my dad changed the trajectory of my life, put me on a path to becoming a doctor I became. It was a, it was a key moment in my life. And with father's day just happened yesterday. I wanted to make sure I got to you guys about that today. So get ready where it's about that. And then what's awesome. And some of my students have shared some wonderful stories about their pivotal people in their lives and getting them to their success over to talk about it and get to it today.


So welcome guys. Let's get to it as always. We're here to be positive and to stay productive. 


So let's go stop making excuses. Stop whining.


You see, I had to put my microphone on mute because the children were in here earlier playing around. And so I was trying to record stuff and they were in there playing around. But what is up everybody it's Monday. So they had for father's day and father's day to me is a big holiday, much like mother's day is a big holiday about one for the holiday celebrations, but there are a couple of holidays that are very important. My wedding anniversary is coming up, right?


So that's a big holiday, but father's day mother's day has always meant a lot to me because by every statistical metric guys, there's no way that I should be a doctor, let alone a Stanford trained doctor in America, but every major statistic. Right. And what got me right. As a first-generation college student, my parents graduated from college. What got me as a black male in higher education, getting into medical school, becoming a doctor. What got me to someone who was academically not strong and gotten to become a doctor.


What got me through that path, starting with my parents as my foundation. And I'll shout out both of them. Even those are a message for father's day. And for all of you guys to talk about the fathers in your lives is that my mother equally as important as my father, but today we'll talk with my dad and my dad is a bigger, darker version of me. If you will. He is hard to miss. He's a big guy. Uh, he's a former NFL football player. And so my dad's story too, to give you guys a perspective on all this stuff, right? And when I say every statistical metric, I shouldn't make it a theoretical school. Is that when I first Will start the story, we'll start with my grandpa. Right? So my dad's dad was Thomas Pinesett who was a, from the South and was essentially a slave, right. Was a sharecropper in the South. Came out West Was a pastor preacher out here, okay. Raise my dad right, growing up in Los Angeles in the projects. And my dad was not a strong student by any means.


And he struggled academically, but he was fortunate enough to be very good at football was able to go to Cal State Fullerton on a football scholarship actually was dismissed, was kicked out of Cal State Fullerton because he could not hang academically was fortunate enough to get back into school. Um, and then led the college at Fullerton Titans to their only ever undefeated football season.


And now with all these programs, since this abandoned, but he did this, went on playing the NFL briefly for a year and then decided he wanted something more stable. Cause this is old school NFL where you aren't making the money they are today. Uh, but he's had it some more stable. So he went into law enforcement and as a child, my dad worked a lot guys a lot.


What is up, Carla? What does that Matt? But like, Hello, welcome.


Right? Uh, he worked a lot as a kid, right. And I would always see him going to work, going to work, going to work, going to work. And at times, I was like, man, I wish I could see him more. I wish he wasn't working so much. It was, he wasn't so stressed out. And so one day when I was eight, I was like, dad, don't go to work. Don't go to work. Don't work. Doesn't work. Hang out with me. And I was like, okay.


I tell you what, I'll take off work. He took off his uniform and said, we're gonna hang out today. But listen, get ready. We're in the car. And we'll do something very special today. And we got in the car and we drove for a long, long time. And we lived in Orange County at the time you guys don't know Orange County. It is not that diverse. Predominantly white. I say, middle class, upper-class America in California. And we drove from Orange County where we were going drove. We drove, we drove, we pulled up in front of this place. That was as an adult. I can say the laminated. Right. As a kid, I was like, Ooh, it's Billy. Just not nice.


Right. It didn't look pleasant from the outside. And I saw people hanging out right in front that didn't look like they were, you know, it didn't look like my normal environment. And so I was in the car. I might have said, Hey, we're gonna get out. And I'm like, Oh gosh, you really wanna get out here.


He was like, you'll be fine. And get out. I want to show you where I grew up. And where he had taken me is the GMA village projects. And if you guys are familiar with it, we fill it with the projects that are right. Projects are government-subsidized housing, right? So it's extremely, poverty-stricken low-income people. They're not very well maintained. And because of that, right, it's just not like the best environment. And so we went to these, the Jima village projects where my dad grew up, keep my, at this time, my dad was right in his thirties and we went knocking door to door, different units. And we went to these units. We would knock. And his childhood was there.


And then, Oh my gosh, Andre pine said, Oh my gosh. And we would come inside and we would just talk about what's going on in their lives and what's going on. And it was crazy to see because again, this was in the projects, this is my, dad's an adult, 30 something years old yet all of his childhood friends still lives there.


And we're talking to all these people, talking to people at the end of the day, it's only been four or five hours there. We get back in the car and we're in the car. My dad said, so what do you do? That was like the, I think of that, Not great. And he goes, you know, I grew up here in the projects and I was fortunate enough to get out of the projects. But most of my friends, you see, they're still living. They're in the same unit that their parents lived in. They didn't escape the project. And You say that I work a lot son, but the reason I work a lot is so that way you don't have to grow up in a place like this. He goes, your father. So sharecropper came out West.


Couldn't really read Just to me, my generation, I struggled in academics. I got kicked out of college. I never graduated. He said, you're young, but you're smart. And you have your whole life in front of you. And I want you to know that every single generation has a responsibility to be better than the previous generation. And with your smarts, you can be a doctor. You're going to be a doctor. And he told me this in the car. And he said, and it's all kind of look on my face, gonna be a doctor. Right? And he was like, you have two choices in lifestyle.


You can work hard now and you can become a doctor and set your life up differently, set your kid's life up differently. Or you can be like me and not apply yourself at school, not pay attention in school, not get the skills you need to survive and thrive in higher education. And then you can work hard like me and not be around. It's up to you. And it was a profound moment in my life guys at eight years old that essentially created this pathway, paved this road for me to become a physician. And throughout my life, both my parents would challenge me in this way to see things and to see the future and to have future thinking. Right? So I'm not just thinking about today. I think about how all my actions today shape the future. And so at this moment, when I'm eight, what life became for me was projects or doctor projects or doctor as simple as that.


And so I always thought, let me doctor going to be a doctor and throughout my journey. And I think it's, it's actually a really poignant message. Right? Yesterday was father's day and NASCAR had event had an event. And did you guys see what happened before Wallace? Does anybody see this? So he's the only black NASCAR driver. I thought it was a joke back like couple of years ago when like, yeah, there's gonna be a black napper. I'm like a black NASCAR driver. Wow. That's interesting. And this is the only black driver on the NASCAR circuit. And on father's day in the middle Of our country, essentially in civil unrest and black lives matter protests everywhere. They put a noose Right in his car garage. Right? Because NASCAR had recently banned the Confederate.


That was just ridiculous, like the band, the Confederate flag, but put a noose in this garage. And here It's a response to them, putting a noose in his garage was so perfect. And it encapsulates the black experience in America in general. And at any high level, when you're trying, I know, achieve and that as A person of color, as a black person trying to achieve. And for me becoming a black doctor, like I said, by every metric, I shouldn't be a doctor. I'm a unicorn. I'm an American and American black Male physician who doesn't really happen. And right from Parents who never graduated from college, who aren't doctors who don't have that track record, right. Whose grandparents grew up in the deep South as essentially modern-day slaves.


Right. But I made it Through all the adversity, whether they be racial hurdles, racial obstacles, or just simply Scholastic obstacles, networking obstacles, opportunity obstacles. I had to create opportunities. I had to create the study skills that I didn't have. I had to learn how to study all these things. And at every moment in this journey, as some of you guys are experiencing, right? The journey, the journey To medical school is Hard. Guys. The journey through medical school is hard. The journey through residency, through all these things, to become an attending, it's hard. And what, And you guys all have to understand is you have to find, and right now it's prime efficacy. Isn't right. It's the prime application season. And people try to find their motivation to keep pushing through what is a difficult time for them. And what I encourage my students to do this weekend was to take time to think about the people in your lives who have sacrificed, who have worked so that we, you can have opportunities. Think about it.


The people who are counting on you, both that are alive now, or that is in the future, that you, that are counting on you to be successful, to create their lives and understand in those moments that you can be a doctor. You will be a doctor. You can make it. You just gotta push. You gotta keep going and you can't give up. And every single time I drained when it got hard.


Well, my college counselor told me I wasn't good enough. When I told myself I wasn't good enough. It was always a moment. My dad's voice would pop up, Pop up. No, no, no, no. You can do it. You're smart. You're going to be a doctor. And it's one of the reasons, yes, It's not.


The pivotal reason is that my parents were pillars to lean on throughout my journey, throughout my journey. I could always call and have them say, you're tripping. You're the best ever go. And so what I try to provide for students is that same voice of saying, listen, you can do this right? And I try to give them skills. So here are the skills and go and do it. But for all of you guys, I want you to understand the journey for any of us to become a doctor is hard. But for minorities, it's harder because of stuff like this, where, and I get bubble walls, his response was, this is not going to break me. Imagine you got enough stuff on your plate, trying to survive college, trying to do premed.


And then on top of that, you got people out there who would love nothing more than to break you. Then to take you down a notch, then to see you fail to confirm, right? And this is what this is all about NASCAR. And he doesn't watch this, right? So what about in America? This is about the divisiveness in our America right now is that you have people who are not minorities, who feel like, in order to continue to have a fair shake at life or to elevate themselves from the station they currently exist in, they must denigrate. They must continue to hold down to a press minority. And when we talk about white superiority, right, we talk about that mindset, that motif and why we have to say black lives matter. And why we have to advocate for opportunities is because there's a large sector of this country who look at minorities as the reason they're not succeeding.


And what's sad and unfortunate is that this translates over into education and into the medical field. Right? I recently did all those videos, talking about racism and discrimination throughout my premium pathway and the description that students experience their permit pathway. And do you know of any messages I got from people saying, Oh, you're looking for a handout? You're having a pity party. Oh, this is a black privilege because you're a doctor or you're saying all of this stuff and racism is not real. And Oh my gosh, if it's so bad that how come you made it and, and saying all these things, and we don't recognize, we don't realize, right. That's, that's that voice where they want to say, right?


People say, Oh, well you took the spot. You're only a doctor because of affirmative action. You took the spot of someone. Who's not a minority. It was more qualified, right? It's that affirmative action pitch. That superiority where you feel like if I succeed as a black person and you are not a black person that I'm somehow taking away from your ability to succeed, do you guys know what I'm saying? How many you guys have as, as a premed. And as students have experienced that, where people are like, they treat you like the affirmative action hire or admin. And they act like every success you have is a slight on them, right? You're taking away their opportunity to be successful. And to overcome that right, to build ourselves up, to have the confidence and self-esteem, to push through that, to be successful in the face of such adversity, what's required is first, right? That you build up a support system around you, of people, hopefully, your parents, hopefully your family who are there to support you, but then those who won't support you, you gotta fortify yourself and believe in yourself and understand, as I always reiterate on this channel, just because you're black, you can't blame your blackness. As the reason why you fail. You can't blame the color of your skin for your failure. You can't say, Oh, I didn't succeed because I was black. It's not accurate.


But what you do have to understand what you, what you, what you have to really, really, really comprehend is that success today in 2020 is directly correlated to your will to win. If you will, your will to push past the point of anyone else, wanting to go there. You, your willingness to put the work in, to succeed, to inform yourself, to get there. But if you're willing, if you're willing to put the work in and you enable yourself to put the work in by educating yourself and getting the skills, right, you can be successful. Anyone in this country can be successful.


Anyone in this country can be successful. And I asked some of my students yesterday to send me some emails about experiences, about theirs, how their parents have imparted wisdom on them. And their family has in part, it was on them that pushed them through and got them to the next level.


And the reason this whole thing came up was that I was having a discussion with a white physician last week. And the mix of all these black lives matter. And it was interesting because I'm now attending the University of California, San Diego, where I do anesthesia. I was previously a resident there. So these people, right, who were attendings were not, my colleagues have forever been my supervisors, right. As I went through residency. And so they have my bio there for me entering residency. And one of the white attendings was like, Hey, Andre. Uh, I was just, for some, whatever reason, like on my Facebook, you popped up at a video. And I didn't realize that you did like med school advising, you did study stuff. And so I started to like going down this web and watching some of your videos and all those things. And I'm like reading your bio. And then I read like your bio and our program, our CB. And he's like, I just, maybe it's like a weird question. I want to be insensitive. I feel like we know each other.


If I can say like, no, let's talk about it. And he goes, you know, but he's like, you should not have succeeded. But if we look at where you've come from and kind of your route, you should not have succeeded. And he's a big staff as a researcher. He's an M.D. Ph.D. And he's like, you should not have become a doctor.


Like you beat the odds. And it goes, when I've been watching these discussions and they talk about systemic racism and they talk about obstacles that students of color face and they talk about the different paths in medicine to success. What made you go from someone who should not have succeeded, who became successful? And my first answer was right. My parents, my parents, my parents believed in me, educated me, empowered me to be great to push through any adversity. I said, my parents had a separator and he said, okay, well, What separates your parents from other parents? And I said, I don't know my parents, I praised them. Cause they went above and beyond to make sure I was empowered.


And so I asked my students, right. I, I, I shared this with them. I asked them, I said, listen, tell me about your experiences. And what's it mean? I think a lot of people emailed me and I had a student who called me and we talked for a while last night. And this is one of my students now who I might very excited for, uh, Is just finished up his step one exam. So he's a black American male In medicine just finished up to step one and got a score back a couple of weeks ago and did phenomenally. And he'll get whatever resins that you want. And we were having this dialogue and this conversation about his journey to medicine. And he mentioned that you know what? I didn't know my dad Growing up, but I was fortunate enough to have a godfather.


And My godfather took on that role as a father figure for me. And early on, he told me, he said, when anyone, anytime anyone discriminates against you makes you feel bad, tries to cut you down, you use that to uplift yourself and you use that to push forward. And he was telling me how else, you know, cause I've known him for years now. I was like, yeah. When I first found you, one of the things that I was attracted to about what you talked about was you were preaching that same thing of saying no, don't let things slide, hold on to those things and use that as fuel to push you forward, to be better to get through.


And he's like, I just grabbed onto that and you taught me to do things and now he's going to step one. And so he's like, man, he's like, it's amazing how the world works. And people have to understand how important having the right people in your lives is because my grandfather died a couple of years before, Or I started working with you and he goes, yeah, You filled that role for me of that person who I knew at all times, even when I didn't talk to you, I knew when I could hear the voice of what you would say. If I started complaining, if I started slacking off, if I started procrastinating, I had an issue because I had enough conversations with you where you yelled at me to have that voice embedded in my mind That I couldn't let quit.


I couldn't stop. And he goes, it's so funny because we got our step one scores back and I was one of the top scores at my school. And so now people are asking me, Oh, how did you do this? And they wanted me to help all these things and like, Oh my gosh, you're just so smart. Like, teach us your ways.


And he goes, it's not about smarts. It's about the fact that I put in the work consistently every single day. And I refused to quit. Was it an easy process getting through step one, but I did what was required. And I got there. And for you guys right fast, that's it, guys. That's it is the people who become doctors are the people who refuse to quit, who has an unrelenting, right? It can never be quenched. You can never be like thwarted your thirst, your desire to become that. Doctors can never be put out. You will push through the adversity. And I talk about how easy stuff is all the time, right? But I hope I don't make it seem that way. And that you understand what my student was saying.


What I'm saying to you now is that this journey is not easy. It's harder for students of color, but it's doable. And it's all about not quitting. And right now with M catheters, there's a lot of people who were pushed up against their MCAT test deadline. How many guys are up against it, right? Your Mcat has scheduled for the next four weeks. And you're like, man, I'm nowhere near what I want to get. And the tendency of people is to quit and say, no, I just, I can't beat the end cat. How am I going to do what I can do? But you've got to recognize you are capable of getting a top Mcat score. It may not be in four weeks.


Maybe you need to reschedule your exam. Maybe, maybe you need to put that work in for a little bit longer and see where you can get. But it's not a time to give up. And in my past, I always joke with my students. And I guess not find a joke about someone's failure, but it's a, it's a perfect example of someone who's highly intelligent, who gets totally thwarted by their own mind and their own inability to focus in and stay on the path. And this was a woman who was older than me. So when I came into college, I was a freshman, she was a senior. And at that time she was preparing for the AMCAP and she was preparing for the MCAT we met in the summer.


It's really, I'm doing the MCAT. And then like summer came and passed. Oh, well, you know what? Lamb Casper. Wasn't where I wanted it. So I went through a master's program and then fast forward, all these years later, it's been decades and decades and this woman still has not taken the M cat. And she reached out to me a couple of months ago to ask me to help her with Mcat prep.


And it was just amazing because I had a heart to heart with this woman years ago, decades ago. And I said I've already taken the Mcat. I'm already into medical school. What are you doing? You're letting this test beat you. You're essentially giving up. You're opting out of taking the M cat. Cause you're too scared. You got guys, don't let that be. You get the confidence together and get it done. And does everybody, that's all we're saying here today. My dad's message was simple. Was understanding that listens, yes. I'm where I am. Yes. Your grandfather was where he was. Yes, yes. Yes. You have an opportunity. You have a responsibility and obligation to maximize your potential.


You have an obligation not to fail, right? That's the obligation. And some of my students, as I said, that was wonderful to talk on the phone, but there's, I asked my sewers to email me and some of them emailed me. And so I want to share with you guys, if you guys are cool with it if you guys, if you guys are getting what I'm saying right now, either like the video or comment, let me know. You guys are on the right path today. And you guys understand the message that I'm delivering to you guys today. And if you want to hear what some of my students had to say and what their experiences are and going through this process and trying to reach their goals and trying to become doctors and doctors of color.


Okay? So this student says a little, Dr. Pinesett, my name is Brank. I haven't been very active in your emails recently, but this email, because I sent an email yesterday, touch me in a way that made me feel like I've never touched before. Before I start with my inspiration. I want to tell you a happy father's day. Thank you. Uh, the inspirations that led, uh, to me were not only my father but both my parents. My dad grew up on a farm in South Georgia, graduated high school, but didn't go to college. He's one of the hardest working men. I know. And I have not once heard him complain about a job that he's had.


My mother was a city girl raised in South Georgia. She graduated high school and began to work until the company moved out of the United States. After losing her job at that establishment, she didn't let that hold her back. She went back to school around the age of 40 to become a nurse similar to my father. My mother is one of the hardest working women.


I know growing up, my parents always told my sister and me, that we could do be anything we want it to be. I felt that they wanted us to become doctors or something medical-related because they would always buy us scrubs, tidy, stethoscopes, and Crocs. I guess I do this for my kids. Am I setting them up to go down the pathway? Um, as we got older, they let us decide for ourselves. They let us know that we could do anything we wanted, as long as we loved it. And they would be supportive, their loving and nurturing manner made me want to be that for others, be there in times of need to fix any issues. They have. They raised the way they raised me, prepared me to be a doctor to see it through. I am so thankful to the parents. I was blessed to be given. And I think that's really, really powerful because for so many of us, right? When we had these holidays, you celebrate your parents. And, and for some people it's like, okay, it's just one other day.


But for some of us, we recognize, we recognize, and this is actually true for almost every person, but we maybe we don't see it at the time. Right? Like my dad said to me is when I was little, right. It comes, comes all around. My dad when I was little was like one day son, you're going to appreciate what I'm telling you one day, son, I see you rolling your eyes. But one day you're going to recognize what I told you right now. And you're going to appreciate it not today, but one day, and then you grow up and you recognize, Oh, that's what they were talking about. Oh, they were in my, in my best interest. It was about me.


And I just love to see emails like this because now as a parent myself, right? I have two young kids. You do so much. You like, they become your lives, your focus, everything. And you don't necessarily feel like they grasp all the time. What you're, what, what's going on, and how much you care about them, and why you say the things you say.


And so I think it's important that we express this for our parents to hear it. But also for some of you guys who are out there who feel like you don't have a lot of resources. And my parents didn't have a lot of resources. They're not about education and didn't have a lot of money. But what they did have was the belief and my parents' power and this student's power was their belief, right? Them telling you, listen, you can be it. You can be anything. You want to be, love it, learn it, go get it. It's powerful. It's very, very powerful guys.


And if we want to increase diversity in medicine, if we want to increase diversity in higher education, if we want more bubble walls, we want more people, black people on the golf course. One more bite. He will figure skating. One more black people, right? NASCAR, bring it up. It's going to require parents and people like yourselves. Peers who tell them you're badass, you're amazing. I'm with you. I rock with you. You got this. I believe in you. Hey, Hey,


Hey, Hey, don't doubt yourself. I believe in you. I confirm, right? I co-sign. You're going to be incredible. That's what we need is uplifting guys, right? Here's another student. Hi, Dr. Pinesett this is Brank. Um, I really appreciate your story today through my ups and downs, uh, pursuing my bachelor of science degree in biology. Uh, but the emphasis in biochemistry has led me to a better opportunity for my family. I am the first in my family to attain a master's degree in public health and will be the first to pursue a doctorate. I was trying to get, uh, the medical doctor and I have been working diligently on the M cat to further prepare me to finish this last year.


I had always wanted to pursue an advanced, especially a doctor medicine, even if it was primary care, I have been blessed to finish the last portions of, of my degree and be hooded, uh, in the ceremony online. I've waited a long time, but I wanted to have a private practice back in my college area of San Diego. I visited some top schools, my father, who I look up to work very hard for my family, but I lost him back in 2012. So this is my opportunity to prove to myself. I am able to pursue my dreams before I die and to make him proud. Even though he's no longer with us, I'm proud to say that I finished my degree and I will continue to work hard to get it.


My mom worked so hard. It was almost like a single mother raising us on her own. I want to purchase a house for her and ambitious to him to make connections, to get into school. Thank you for your help and advice. I'm working on the MCAT through much prayer and support from my family. I was able to push harder than I ever have before and get the MCAT score I wanted.


Thank you so much for your testimony. Um, it provides help for so hope for so many people who desire to pursue a better lifestyle. So I have to edit out some stuff about the names of specific schools, but do you guys hear her message, right? She understands what her parents have gone through the work they've put in that, that work that they put in. It's laying the foundation. Guys, it's paving the pathway for you. It's the inspiration you need the aspiration you need. It's the motivation you need to get there. And if you're lacking it, guys tap into that. Remember what it was, right? Don't let people cut you down. Use it as the fuel students of color been messaging me. Once he messaged me and said, I just told this story about the fifth and other six, fifth black man found hung in the United States in the last month six guys. And I'm just finding it really hard to keep going forward and to keep progressing just really. And I emailed back, I'm like, are you crazy? Don't let things shut you down. Use this as fire, use this, this fire. When I see people getting lynched. When I see a nuisance, the garage, it makes me run harder. It makes me want to help more students. Right? It makes me go to that next level because I know that this world needs me more than ever to come out and be the shield, right? To block the hate, to be the knife, to cut through and create opportunities for students, particularly right. Students of color. So for all of you guys, when you see injustice and stand up to it, but be better yourself, recognize the way you beat it is through education, effective action, and success. Success truly speaks for itself and transcends everything. That's where we have to get, right?


That's where to focus. I hope this message makes sense to all of you. And I hope right, because you guys first time joining us, we are live-action right now. Just talking, just being, just trying to be inspired, just trying to be better. And if you've hung out with me today and you're watching this on YouTube live action right now. Hello guys, like this video. If you're catching the replay, like the video, if you're on the podcast, right? If you're on the podcast and you checking this out, make sure, take a second to subscribe, leave a test, leave a testimonial, leave a review. Let people know this is something they should be listening to. If they want to get better.


If they want to think differently about their lives. I appreciate you guys hanging out with me. A couple of quick announcements. We'll be live again later this week, Wednesday, be ready for that. Also this Thursday, I'll be hosting a free counted free med school application webinar. You can register below in the box. This Thursday 5:00 PM, a free med school application webinar.


I'll be breaking down my system of the application. I'll be breaking down my personal statement so you can see it live in action for you guys to get over that last little hump to get that application submitted. Okay? So thank you guys so much for joining me. I appreciate you guys share some positivity, be right for people. Don't have the parents who don't have the support be that support structure, where people right. Be there for them. Be positive, uplift, lead with your heart. Thank you guys so much. I'm Dr. Andre Pinesett. I'm the study Doc, my website. If you guys want to come and get in a course, getting a program and really level up is Right? And we're always here on the YouTube channel on the podcast on social media.


So please come back. Thank you guys so much. I will see you guys next time. Don't stop. Keep going forward as always we end no excuses. Just Dominate guys. Racism is an excuse. Discrimination is an excuse. We dominate. Anyway, we dominate more in the face of racism and discrimination. We dominate. We go right through it.


Thank you, guys. See you guys, next time, I challenge you to make your life better!


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